About me.

If you do not know me, you’ve lived under a rock until now, and if you already knew me, you might find out more about me.

Since I was a child, I have always played a dominant role in all of my relationships.
In elementary school, I was always the head of my group, and I sent my girlfriends to do things for me. 
In middle school a little boy had a crush on me, he wrote me poetry, gave me gifts… I would enjoy giving him orders and seeing how far he would go to please me.
In high school, I had my first serious boyfriend, he would wait hours for me outside of the school (he was older than me and had a car), I would then go to the movies with my friends and he would wait for me to drive us home. I would enjoy putting him in uncomfortable situations, I would often trample him, walk on his belly, and shut him up in public when his opinion was not required.
I have always had relationships with boys/men in which I was in the “dominant” role, and I have always received attention from men ready to offer me anything, even their dignity.
Around the age of 15-16 I was contacted by a complete stranger who offered me money in exchange for insults over the phone, and found out that I liked it a lot.

I have come a long way, I have grown up, I have gained the awareness of my power, I have honed my skills. The fun and the taste I feel in seeing a man completely annihilated by me, by my mind, by my beauty, have grown.
Just recently I was asked how I feel when I dominate a man, and I found it difficult to answer. For me it is pure emotion, adrenaline, excitement, and an infinite sense of power.

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